When religion becomes the opium of the people

Reda Gassab
4 min readApr 6, 2023


West Bank rage at Gaza bloodshed

Between schizophrenia and bipolar disorder we have a right-winger whose ideas and concepts fluctuate according to the government’s decisions. The normalization agreement of some countries with the government of Israel gave birth to a group of people that are willing to ignore all human values for the sake of a level of patriotism that has reached the point of the megalomania.

‘’The cheapest sort of pride is national pride’’ as The Great Arthur Schopenhaur said.

Speaking of The normalization agreement, the Jews are part of my country’s history. Morocco, which was and still considered a unique example of the cultural cross-pollination, but this does not mean that we should beautify the image of a colonial entity that is is drenched in the blood of innocents.

After more than a century, it became crystal clear that Karl Marx was absolutely right when he stated that religion is the opium of the people.

‘’Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

and this thesis can be supported by the propaganda carried out by the Apartheid Regime ‘’Israel’’. Because the latter justified the occupation of Palestine and the shedding of innocent blood with the famous phrase “it is the Promised Land,” according to what they believe in, in their Torah. But the real problem here, is that the Muslims themselves also live under an illusion based on the idea that the demise of the State of Israel means the end of the world and the day of judgement. If this ridiculous charade continues. Perhaps, after decades from now, Palestine will cease to exist and completely disappear from the international map, and the reason for that will be the Muslim with his dogmatic reading of the conflict, who still believes that the liberation of Palestine means the emergence of the Antichrist and the end of the world nonsense.

The biggest problem is the Muslims who do not want a middle-ground solution to this conflict, The only solution for them is to drag the Muslim countries into a massive regional bloody war against Israel, America and NATO that ends with the demise of the State of Israel. Yes, I know how absurd it sounds; They want a war in the era of nuclear weapons, as if the international community would just stand there and watch the destruction of our planet Earth. The era of dreams and miracles is over. The Bedouin mentality and the caliphate must be abandoned for the sake of a common interest, and for the sake of the Palestinian people who are saturated with the lies of Fatah and Hamas. And from the way I see it, I think the reason why the Palestinian Authority refuses peace is because it has a material interest in this ongoing conflict.

It is a multidimensional conflict, and religion is an important factor in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, as it is one of the important dimensions in this conflict, since historically religions — Islam, Judaism and Christianity — were used as tools to justify political demands and solve territorial disputes in the region. But the problem is when religion becomes a means and governance is the aim, then religion begins to play a pivotal role in anaesthetizing and mobilizing people. That is, when religion is used politically to encourage people to take up viewpoints based on emotions and feelings, rather than rationality and logic, and religion is sometimes used to divert people’s attention from important social and economic issues, instead of focusing on resolving it.

Apart from the delusion and the Social proof of Muslims, Israel is still justifying its occupation of Palestine with the so-called “right of return”, a concept that Israel relies on to justify its right to stay in and settle Palestine, because they consider it as their historical land. Israel uses religion to support this right. However, refuting this alleged thesis does not mean that we must accept the other thesis that centers around the idea that this land is a land for Muslims only with the expulsion of the Jews from there. Especially when it comes to Jerusalem, which was the cause of the death and slaughter of millions throughout history. There is no solution for Jerusalem except to turn it into an international area, as it has been throughout history, a religious area for the Muslims, Jews and Christians of the world. Considering Jerusalem as a special zone for Muslims only is against all the archaeological evidence that indicates the opposite, because Jerusalem became an Islamic area only under an invasion by of Omar Ibn Al-Khattab. Palestine has never been linked to a specific religion, and this is almost what the Muslims failed miserably to fathom.

  • Not to mention that it is a Humanitarian crisis. I am against the establishment of any country in the world on ethnical or religious grounds.

The most important lesson that the Muslims should learn is that change will never come by prayer or supplication on Israel in the pulpits. Change will surely come by enlightenment, by an intellectual revolution against all postulates and legacies.



Reda Gassab
Reda Gassab

Written by Reda Gassab

Music & Philosophy enthusiast whose whole existence revolves around the Silver Screen

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